編按:Tristan Vyskoc說:「我本來可以畫單純的風景全景圖,但這並不是我真正想做的事情。我希望的是作品能深深吸引住你,讓你沉浸其中。來吧!讓這個藍色充滿你的生命,讓你陶醉,迷失自己。」 接下來,我們將介紹Tristan Vyskoc的五幅作品,讓我們徜徉在他所創作出來的那片自然綺麗中。

My dream 我的夢想

Oil on canvas – 130 x 195 cm – 2016油畫

This painting is part of the « Souviens-toi! » collection. Life can easily  be turned upside down. The in-between, the trance, the feeling of levitation, the near-death experience are very sweet feelings.  Feelings of sliding, of imperceptible friction with a world we do not know, of transition between two worlds. The willingness to stay in this world depends upon our inner supporting walls, those you think about and help you to take root. Your guardian angels.


生活很容易顛倒過來;中間的恍惚、漂浮的感覺、瀕臨死亡的經歷都是非常甜蜜的感受。 介於兩個世界之間的過渡、未知的差異、摩擦與滑行之間的感受。


The image of the friendly doctors, in charge of « fixing the living », leaning over my hospital bed, reminds me of « La leçon d’anatomie du docteur Tulp » (1632 – oil on canvas – 169,5 x 216,5 cm – Mauritshuis, La Haye), a painting from Rembrandt van Rijn (1606 – 1669). This painting has me puzzled by its force, the layout of the body, its anatomy. 

友善的醫生,靠在我的病床旁, 負責「修復生活」, 讓我想起了《圖爾普醫生的解剖課》(1632年=畫布上的油畫=169.5 x 216.5釐米——毛裡求斯.拉海耶)一幅來自倫勃朗.范裡恩(1606–1669年)的畫作。這幅畫一點一點給我力量,從它的解剖結構一片片修復,完整我的全身。

●Yu Shan 玉山

Oil on Canvas – 130 X 195 cm – 2019  油畫

Mountains are for me an endless source of inspiration. They allow me to escape from my daily routine, to meditate, and to feel like being in the nature when I start painting.

 山對我來說是無窮無盡的靈感源泉。它們讓我從日常中逃脫;當我開始畫, 進入冥想,感覺就像處身於大自然。

●Jadaea 賈達

Oil on Canvas – 130 X 195 cm – 2019 油畫

The “Crying Mountains” collection is not a judgement about human nature. It is difficult to assess whether the climate change is due to men’s activities or due to unknown forces we have limited knowledge about. They remind us of our frailty in the face of the forces of nature, and that we must respect and cherish it.


它們提醒我們:面對自然的力量, 我們的脆弱,因此我們必須尊重和珍惜它。

Trying to control nature is a vain objective. Trail running in the mountains gave me the inspiration to create this collection. One day, early in the morning, after having run for 13 hours, close to the French-Italian border, next to the Combal lake, mountains were crying. I could see the glaciers melting before my very eyes; I was hearing the water runoff, and the mountains were fading in front of me.



我可以看到冰川在我眼前融化, 我聽到徑流、山在我面前褪色。

●Aiguille du Midi 中端油針

Oil on Canvas - 200 x 200 cm - 201 油畫

This painting is part of the “INSPIRE!” collection. When walking around the Mont Blanc, one can become aware of its vastness and fragility. It has a special flavour.  Challenge, pain, danger, devils, dialysis, relief, Darwinism.

This mountain has helped me to adapt, to accept the unacceptable, to live peacefully with my Horla. 
This nature reminds us that we are alive. That we come from this land. That we are guided by telluric forces. Forgetting it put us in danger.




這種天性提醒我們,我們還活著。我們來自這片土地, 忘了這個力量的根源則使我們陷入危機。

●England Forest #1英格蘭森林#1

Oil on Canvas – 195 x 130 cm - 2019 油畫

This new collection about the original forests of my childhood will be a bridge between nature and civilizations. A display of anthropomorphic objects and tribal art.


115 rue de Paris – 92100 Boulogne - Tél : 06 23 03 40 37 - Mail : [email protected]
SIRET : 453 128753 00044 – Maison des Artistes : V489545 (assujetti au régime des artistes)
Code NAF 9003A – N° TVA intracommunautaire : FR 4445


聯絡資訊:陳小姐 [email protected]




